What is CAARS?

The Collaborative Alternative Augmented Reality Series (CAARS) project will develop alternative, augmented (mixed) reality for use in teaching on our health programmes at Bournemouth University. Mixed reality is generally understood to refer to merging virtual technologies with the physical world to create new environments, where aspects of both the virtual and physical can interact.

The potential of mixed reality learning experiences is that they enable students to apply theory to practice in realistic environments – facilitating experiential leaning. CAARS offers multifaceted learning opportunities  – from the health protection and other public health aspects of care, to developing individual strategies to facilitate supporting patients in clinical decision-making and their care delivery, through to experiencing ‘safe fails’ in provision of all healthcare from the routine to emergency.

CAARS is a collaborative project started by Denyse King as part of her work as a lecturer in midwifery and public health practitioner for Bournemouth University.  Strategically this project reports to and is being overseen by a steering group which is Chaired by Prof. Steve Tee (Executive Dean) and which has external partnership with Health Education England. A CAARS pilot is underway for which Denyse King has partnered with Dr. Liz Faulkner and David Hunt, with leadership from Prof. Debbie Holley.